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Getting Started

To begin with Juno, launch your first Satellite – a feature-packed smart contract for your project.

This all-in-one container provides authentication, datastore (a key-pair store akin to a simple "database"), file storage, serverless functions and hosting capabilities.

Starting a new project

Are you embarking on a new project? We've got your back.

Whether you're aiming to create a website, blog, or application, leverage Juno's onboarding CLI to scaffold your project. Our ready-made templates are developed with the most well-known frontend frameworks, including Astro, Next.js, React, SvelteKit, Vue, and Angular.

Just run

npm create juno@latest

...and follow the prompts.


Our CLI tool is compatible with Mac, Linux, and Windows and requires NodeJS to be installed. It also supports Yarn and pnpm.

Integrating in an existing app

After creating your satellite, you're ready to put it to use. Follow our step-by-step guidance to install the SDK and initialize your app, establishing communication with your satellite.

Local development

Unsure about launching satellites in production? Primarily interested in local development?

Try our local development emulator. It allows you to build and test your projects in an environment that closely mirrors production, without the commitment of a live deployment.


The emulator is available with all starting templates. Run npm create juno@latest to start a new project.

Further Details

Explore the features of Juno through the detailed documentation:

Learn concepts

Familiarize yourself with Juno's infrastructure and architecture to gain a better understanding of its operation.