📄️ CLI
The Juno CLI (GitHub//github.com/junobuild) provides a variety of tools for managing and deploying [satellite].
📄️ Configuration
When running juno from the command line, it will automatically attempt to locate a config file named juno.config.ts or juno.config.js or juno.config.json within your project's root directory.
📄️ Plugins
Juno provides various plugins to simplify your development workflow. We also warmly welcome community contributions. If you would like to create or submit plugins or any libraries, please reach out or explore our repository!
📄️ Monitoring
Your [mission control] and satellites smart contracts consume resources while they operate.
📄️ Memory
A [satellite] can store data using two types of memory: heap and stable. While both types are forms of random-access memory that only exist as long as the smart contract lives, they can be compared to a familiar analogy. Think of heap as similar to the RAM in a computer, and stable as more akin to ROM.
📄️ Controllers
Controllers play a crucial role in granting permissions to mission controls and satellites within Juno.
📄️ Settings
This document will help you understand the different settings you can configure for your modules ([Satellites], [Mission controls], and [Orbiters]).