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Juno Hosting offers fast and secure hosting powered by 100% blockchain technology.

With just one CLI command, you can effortlessly deploy your web applications, static, and dynamic content to your satellite.

Custom Domain Support

You can maintain your unique brand identity with Juno Hosting. Use your custom domain, such as "" or "", instead of the default domain name provided by Juno.

Our infrastructure automatically provisions an SSL certificate for each of your domains, ensuring secure connections for your users.

Connecting Your Domain

To connect your custom domain, follow these steps:

  1. Start the custom domain wizard from the Juno console hosting page
  2. Enter the desired domain name for your satellite
  3. Log into your domain provider's site and configure the DNS records as indicated by Juno
  4. Continue the process in Juno

Please note that it may take several minutes to set up your custom domain after the wizard is completed and up to 24 hours for your domain provider to reflect the changes.

About DNS records

To configure DNS records, you will be requested to use CNAME records. Some domain providers do not provide such types. Instead, DNS providers often support so-called CNAME flattening. To this end, these DNS providers offer flattened record types, such as ANAME or ALIAS records, which can be used instead of the CNAME to

Some DNS providers require you to specify the main domain. For example, you might have to specify your full domain for the CNAME entry related to instead of only foo as displayed by our console.

If you ever encounter issues configuring your DNS, you can also refer to the Troubleshooting section for further assistance.


The DNS entries presented in the console are exactly the ones that should be configured in Cloudflare.

However, based on our experience, to enable the custom domain properly, the following settings in Cloudflare should be disabled:

  • DNS > Settings > Disable DNSSEC
  • SSL/TLS > Overview > Set "Your SSL/TLS encryption mode" to "Off (not secure)". A SSL certificate will be automatically ordered by configuring the custom domain.
  • SSL/TLS > Edge Certificates > Disable Universal SSL

Additionally, we recommend not proxying the DNS entries ("DNS only").


This external guide provides instructions on how to configure the DNS records for Namecheap.


This external guide provides instructions on how to configure the DNS records for GoDaddy.

Google Domains

Google Domains does not support CNAME records for the apex domain. For this reason, we suggest transferring the domain to Cloudflare.

Other Limited Providers

We are aware of a few other providers that also do not support CNAME records for the apex domain. Similar to Google Domains, we advise transferring the domain to Cloudflare in order to overcome this limitation.

  • HostGator
  • Infomaniak


The status of the configuration of your custom domain can be one of the following:

  • PendingOrder: The registration request has been submitted and is waiting to be picked up.
  • PendingChallengeResponse: The certificate has been ordered.
  • PendingAcmeApproval: The challenge has been completed.
  • Available: The registration request has been successfully processed. Your custom domain is ready.
  • Failed: The registration request failed.

If one of the status Pending... is reached, the console will automatically refresh the status every few seconds until your domain is available.

Configure Hosting behavior

You can configure customized hosting behavior for requests to your site.

What can you configure?

  • Specify which source files in your local project directory you want to deploy? Learn how.
  • Ignore some files during deployment. Learn how.
  • Configure HTTP headers to pass along additional information about a request or a response. Learn how.
  • Serve a customized 404 page. Learn how.
  • Set up redirects for pages that you've moved or deleted. Learn how.
  • Set up rewrites. Learn how.
  • Tweak gzip compression for best performance. Learn how.
  • Customize the encoding behavior of your files. Learn how.
  • Allow your project to be embedded as an iframe. Learn how.
  • Customize assertions to modify the default verification behavior of the CLI. Learn how.

Where do you define your Hosting configuration?

You define your Hosting configuration in your Juno configuration file. The CLI automatically creates the file at the root of your project directory when you run the juno init or juno deploy command for the first time.

How do you apply your changes?

To apply any changes you make in your configuration to your satellite, execute the juno config command with the CLI.


Where should Juno search for the files to deploy in your project directory.

This is commonly the output folder of npm run build, such as /dist or /build.

Ignore files

The ignore attribute allows you to exclude certain files from being deployed to your satellite.

This attribute works similarly to Git's .gitignore, and you can specify which files to ignore using globs.

Here is an example of how the ignore attribute can be utilized:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
ignore: ["**/*.txt", ".tmp/"]

HTTP Headers

Headers allow the client and the satellite to pass additional information along with a request or a response. Some sets of headers can affect how the browser handles the page and its content.

For instance, you may want to set a specific Cache-Control for performance reasons.

Here's an example of the headers object:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
storage: {
headers: [
source: "/",
headers: [["Cache-Control", "public,max-age=0,must-revalidate"]]
source: "assets/fonts/*",
headers: [["Cache-Control", "max-age=31536000"]]
source: "**/*.jpg",
headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=31536000"],
["Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"]

This source attribute works similarly to Git's .gitignore, and you can specify which files match the headers using globs.

The headers is an array of objects, each containing key and value, and these apply to the matching paths.

  • The Content-Type header is calculated automatically and cannot be altered.
  • No validation or check for uniqueness is performed. For example, if a header matches a file based on multiple rules, multiple headers will be set.
  • Likewise, if you provide the same header when you upload file to your "Storage" and within the configuration, both headers will be set in the response.

Customize a 404/Not Found page

By default, all unknown paths are automatically rewritten to /index.html. However, if you wish to serve a custom 404 Not Found error when a user attempts to access a non-existent page, you can do so without requiring additional configuration.

Simply upload a custom 404.html file to your satellite that should be served from the root path of your site.


Use a URL redirect to prevent broken links if you've moved a page or to shorten URLs. For example, you could redirect a browser from to

Here's the basic structure for a redirects attribute.

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
storage: {
redirects: [
source: "/hello",
location: "/world/index.html",
code: 300

The redirects attribute contains an array of redirect rules:

sourceThis source attribute works similarly to Git's .gitignore, and you can specify which files match the redirects using globs.
locationA relative path to where the browser should make a new request.
codeThe HTTPS response code. Use a type of 301 for 'Moved Permanently' or 302 for 'Found' (Temporary Redirect).


You can utilize optional rewrites to display the same content for multiple URLs. Rewrites are especially useful when combined with pattern matching, allowing acceptance of any URL that matches the pattern.

Here's the basic structure for a rewrites attribute.

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
storage: {
rewrites: [
source: "/hello/**",
destination: "/hello/world.html"

This source attribute works similarly to Git's .gitignore, and you can specify which files match the rewrites using globs.

  • Rewrites are only applied to requests that do not match any existing resources.
  • By default, all unknown paths are automatically rewritten to /index.html (or /404.html if you provide such a page). You cannot disable this default behavior.


When deploying your application, the CLI automatically searches for JavaScript (js), ES Module (mjs), and CSS (css) files in the source folder and optimizes them using Gzip compression. This is useful because neither the protocol nor a satellite can compress these files, ensuring the best web performance.

If you wish to customize this behavior, you have the option to disable it or provide a different file matching pattern using glob syntax.

To opt-out of Gzip compression, simply set the gzip option to false in your configuration:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
gzip: false

If you want to customize the default pattern **/*.+(css|js|mjs) to better suit your needs, you can specify your own pattern. For example:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
gzip: "**/*.jpg"

Encoding types

When deploying, the CLI automatically maps the encoding type based on the file extension. The encoding information is then used in the satellite to provide the appropriate HTTP response header Content-Encoding.

The default mappings are as follows:

  • .Z = compress
  • .gz = gzip
  • .br = br
  • .zlib = deflate
  • rest = identity (no compression)

You can also customize the encoding behavior by using the "encoding" attribute in the configuration file.

This attribute works similarly to Git's .gitignore, and you can specify which files to ignore using globs.

Here is an example of how the "encoding" attribute can be utilized:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
encoding: [["**/releases/*.gz", "identity"]]


For security reasons and to prevent click-jacking attacks, dapps deployed with Juno are, by default, set to deny embedding in other sites.

You can customize this behavior by setting the iframe option to either same-origin, which restricts your pages to be displayed only if all ancestor frames have the same origin as the page itself, or allow-any, which allows your project to be embeddable by any site.

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
storage: {
iframe: "same-origin"


The CLI conducts several assertions when interacting with your Satellite, one of which involves monitoring the heap memory size. Typically, the CLI checks to ensure that the heap memory does not exceed the 1 GB limit before deployment. For instance, if your heap memory usage is close to 900 MB, the CLI will prompt you to confirm the deployment.

You can customize this behavior by adjusting the heap memory limit in bytes. For example, to set a new limit of 678 MB, update your configuration as follows:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
assertions: {
heapMemory: 678000000

Alternatively, these checks can be completely disabled. To do so, set the heapMemory assertion to false:

import { defineConfig } from "@junobuild/config";

export default defineConfig({
satellite: {
id: "qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai",
source: "dist",
assertions: {
heapMemory: false