Code Functions in Rust
Learn how to develop, integrate, and extend Juno Satellites with serverless functions written in Rust.
Set up your environment to develop and extend a Satellite with custom serverless functions using Rust.
First, ensure you have the Juno CLI installed. If you haven't installed it yet, run:
- npm
- yarn
- pnpm
npm i -g @junobuild/cli
yarn global add @junobuild/cli
pnpm add -g @junobuild/cli
At the root of application, eject the Satellite. This step prepares your project for local development. Open your terminal and run:
juno dev eject
In a new terminal window, kick off the local development environment that leverages Docker:
juno dev start
Now, your local development environment is up and running, ready for you to start coding.
Once you're ready to see your changes in action, compile your code:
juno dev build
The local environment detects changes and automatically deploys them, allowing you to test your custom code locally almost immediately.
If you'd like to upgrade your Satellite in production, use this command:
juno upgrade -t s -s ./target/deploy/satellite.wasm.gz
Hooks and Data Operations
Serverless Functions are triggered by hooks, which respond to events occurring in the Satellite, such as setting a document. Before implementing a hook that manipulates data ("backend"), let's first set up a JavaScript function in your ("frontend") dApp.
Define a setter function in your frontend dApp as follows:
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
interface Example {
hello: string;
let key: string | undefined;
const set = async () => {
key = nanoid();
const record = await setDoc<Example>({
collection: "demo",
doc: {
data: {
hello: "world"
console.log("Set done", record);
This code generates a key using nanoid
and persists a document in a collection named "demo" in the Datastore.
Additionally, add a getter to your code:
const get = async () => {
if (key === undefined) {
const record = await getDoc({
collection: "demo",
console.log("Get done", record);
Without a hook, executing these two operations one after the other would result in a record containing "hello: world".
Now, let's create a hook in the Satellite you've ejected, within src/satellite/src/
. Replace the default empty on_set_doc
hook with the following implementation:
use ic_cdk::print;
use junobuild_macros::{
on_delete_asset, on_delete_doc, on_delete_many_assets, on_delete_many_docs, on_set_doc,
on_set_many_docs, on_upload_asset,
use junobuild_satellite::{
include_satellite, set_doc_store, OnDeleteAssetContext, OnDeleteDocContext,
OnDeleteManyAssetsContext, OnDeleteManyDocsContext, OnSetDocContext, OnSetManyDocsContext,
OnUploadAssetContext, SetDoc,
use junobuild_utils::{decode_doc_data, encode_doc_data};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// The data of the document we are looking to update in the Satellite's Datastore.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Person {
hello: String,
// We tells the hooks that we only want to listen to changes in collection "demo".
#[on_set_doc(collections = ["demo"])]
async fn on_set_doc(context: OnSetDocContext) -> Result<(), String> {
// We decode the new data saved in the Datastore because it holds those as blob.
let mut data: Person = decode_doc_data(&;
// We update the document's data that was saved in the Datastore with the call from the frontend dapp.
// i.e. the frontend saved "hello: world" and we enhance it to "hello: world checked"
data.hello = format!("{} checked", data.hello);
// We encode the data back to blob.
let encode_data = encode_doc_data(&data)?;
// We construct the parameters required to call the function that save the data in the Datastore.
let doc: SetDoc = SetDoc {
data: encode_data,
// We save the document for the same caller as the one who triggered the original on_set_doc, in the same collection with the same key as well.
// Other hooks
As outlined in the Quickstart chapter, run juno dev build
to compile and deploy the code locally. When testing this feature, if you wait a bit before calling the getter, unlike in the previous step, you should now receive the modified "hello: world checked" text set by the hook. This delay occurs because serverless Functions run fully asynchronously from the request-response between your frontend and the Satellite.
HTTPS outcalls
HTTPS outcalls are a feature of the Internet Computer, enabling smart contracts to directly connect to the Web 2.0 world by querying APIs with HTTP requests.
This example is also available on GitHub.
For this example, we'll skip a few steps as the logic remains consistent:
- Your frontend makes a call to the Satellite.
- The Satellite performs some work, such as asserting and setting a document.
- If everything succeeds, the Satellite triggers a hook before returning the result of the call.
Here is an example of an on_set_doc
hook which fetches an API to get the link to an image of a dog and saves that information within the Datastore. While this might not be a practical real-world use case, it is simple enough to demonstrate the feature.
use ic_cdk::api::management_canister::http_request::{
http_request as http_request_outcall, CanisterHttpRequestArgument, HttpMethod,
use junobuild_macros::{
on_delete_asset, on_delete_doc, on_delete_many_assets, on_delete_many_docs, on_set_doc,
on_set_many_docs, on_upload_asset,
use junobuild_satellite::{
include_satellite, set_doc_store, OnDeleteAssetContext, OnDeleteDocContext,
OnDeleteManyAssetsContext, OnDeleteManyDocsContext, OnSetDocContext, OnSetManyDocsContext,
OnUploadAssetContext, SetDoc,
use junobuild_utils::encode_doc_data;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// The data of the document we are looking to update in the Satellite's Datastore.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct DogData {
src: Option<String>,
// We are using the Dog CEO API in this example.
// Its endpoint "random" returns such JSON data:
// {
// "message": "",
// "status": "success"
// }
// That's why we declare a struct that matches the structure of the answer.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct DogApiResponse {
message: String,
status: String,
#[on_set_doc(collections = ["dogs"])]
async fn on_set_doc(context: OnSetDocContext) -> Result<(), String> {
// 1. Prepare the HTTP GET request
let url = "".to_string();
let request_headers = vec![];
let request = CanisterHttpRequestArgument {
method: HttpMethod::GET,
body: None,
max_response_bytes: None,
// In this simple example we skip sanitizing the response with a custom function for simplicity reason.
transform: None,
// We do not require any particular HTTP headers in this example.
headers: request_headers,
// 2. Execute the HTTP request. A request consumes Cycles(!). In this example we provide 2_000_000_000 Cycles (= 0.002 TCycles).
// To estimate the costs see documentation:
// -
// -
// Total amount of cycles depends on the subnet size. Therefore, on mainnet it might cost ~13x more than what's required when developing locally. Source:
// Note: In the future we will have a UI logging panel in to help debug on production. Follow PR
// We rename ic_cdk::api::management_canister::http_request::http_request to http_request_outcall because the Satellite already includes such a function's name.
match http_request_outcall(request, 2_000_000_000).await {
Ok((response,)) => {
// 3. Use serde_json to transform the response to a structured object.
let str_body = String::from_utf8(response.body)
.expect("Transformed response is not UTF-8 encoded.");
let dog_response: DogApiResponse =
serde_json::from_str(&str_body).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// 4. Our goal is to update the document in the Datastore with an update that contains the link to the image fetched from the API we just called.
let dog: DogData = DogData {
src: Some(dog_response.message),
// 5. We encode those data back to blob because the Datastore holds data as blob.
let encode_data = encode_doc_data(&dog)?;
// 6. Then we construct the parameters required to call the function that save the data in the Datastore.
let doc: SetDoc = SetDoc {
data: encode_data,
// 7. We store the data in the Datastore for the same caller as the one who triggered the original on_set_doc, in the same collection with the same key as well.
Err((r, m)) => {
let message =
format!("The http_request resulted into error. RejectionCode: {r:?}, Error: {m}");
// Other hooks
As with the previous example, the hook will asynchronously update the document. If you wait a bit before retrieving the document in your frontend, you might notice that the source of the image has been updated by your hook.
HTTPS outcalls require cycles to execute the request. At the time of writing this example, the cost was calculated using the formula (3_000_000 + 60_000 * n) * n
for the base fee and 400 * n
each request byte and 800 * n
for each response byte, where n is the number of nodes in the subnet.
You can use the HTTPS Outcalls Cost Calculator to estimate the cost of your request (source code is available on GitHub).
Alternatively, refer to the documentation for the actual calculation method and costs.
Technical Requirements
The goal of HTTPS outcalls is to ensure that a request to the Web2 world returns a valid and verifiable response. To achieve this, calls are replicated when executed on mainnet. This means the blockchain will perform multiple identical requests and compare their results. The response will only succeed if all returned results are exactly the same.
Many Web APIs do not natively support such replicated calls. More advanced APIs offer a way to handle this by using an idempotency key, a unique key that allows the server to recognize and return the same response for repeated requests.
Another requirement is that the API must be accessible over IPv6.
If replication or IPv6 support is not available, a common workaround is to use a proxy service. Developers can consider the following solutions:
from Omnia Network (announcement)idempotent-proxy
from LDC Labs (announcement)- A similar approach to the optimistic solution we currently used for transmitting emails (repo)
More Examples
Here are additional examples showcasing different use cases for blockchainless in Juno. Each example is hosted on GitHub and provides a working implementation you can explore and modify.
Essential Hooks
A minimal app demonstrating how serverless function hooks work in Juno. This example provides a frontend interface for setting a document in the datastore or uploading a file to storage.
The associated hooks perform basic operations:
- Printing a message when triggered.
- Demonstrating how to deserialize and serialize a document before updating and persisting it.
This example serves as a great starting point for understanding how to interact with Juno's event-driven hooks in both datastore and storage contexts.
Ethereum Address
A sample app demonstrating how to derive an Ethereum address for an authenticated Juno user on the Internet Computer. The hook is triggered upon user registration and generates an Ethereum address using threshold ECDSA, with its public representation stored in the Satellite.
In this use case, the private key is never fully generated or stored on a single node. Instead, the Internet Computer’s threshold ECDSA mechanism distributes the key material across multiple nodes, ensuring that no single party has access to the complete key.
Additionally, the app includes a balance action that fetches the balance of the Ethereum address from the Sepolia network using Etherscan. This is done via public queries without requiring an API key.
Generating JSON Files
An example that demonstrates how to generate a JSON file within a serverless function on Juno.
When a document is set, the corresponding hook creates a JSON file based on the document's data and automatically uploads it to storage. This makes the file accessible via an HTTPS URL, allowing it to be retrieved and used directly on the web.