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You can create or update a collection in the "Collections" tab in Juno's console under the datastore view.


Each collection has a set of configurable options that define its behavior and limitations:

KeyYesA unique identifier for the collection. The key that you will use in your code to interact with a particular collection.
Read permissionYesDefines who can read documents in the collection. See Permissions below.
Write permissionYesDefines who can create, update, or delete documents. See Permissions below.
MemoryYesSpecifies whether the collection uses heap or stable memory. This setting is permanent and cannot be changed after creation. The default is stable memory. For more information, see the related documentation.
Max capacityNoThe maximum number of documents that can be stored in the collection, applying to the entire collection regardless of individual users.
Max updates per minuteNoLimits the number of creation, update and delete operations per minute to prevent excessive updates.
Immutable permissionsNoIf enabled, read and write permissions cannot be modified after creation.


Permissions define who can read and write documents in a collection. Writing includes creating, updating, and deleting documents.

Permission TypeDescription
publicAnyone can read or write documents in the collection.
privateOnly the creator (owner) of a document can read or write to it. However, note that since satellite controllers manage the underlying infrastructure, they have the technical ability to modify access rules by changing its source code.
managedThe owner of a document and the controllers of the satellite can read or write to it in the collection.
controllersOnly satellite controllers can read or write any document in the collection.

If not set to immutable, you can modify the permissions at any time, and the changes will take effect immediately.


Any collection with read permissions set to public, managed or controllers will allow the controllers to view its content in the console under the datastore view.