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There was a bug in the upgrade process of Mission Control v0.0.8, which was released in the previous version v0.0.21. This bug had the effect of unlinking the Analytics Orbiter smart contract from its Mission Control.

To mitigate the propagation of this issue, the wasm code available for update in the CDN has been patched with PR #340, which resolves the problem.

For those developers who upgraded their Mission Control between Friday, November 24th, 16:00 CET, and Saturday, November 25th, 7:45 AM CET, this new release introduces an "Attach analytics" feature. This feature allows controllers to add an existing Orbiter to their Mission Control by providing its ID.

It's worth noting that this new function was already in the roadmap, and it's also worth mentioning that Orbiters were not impacted; the data remains safe. Not too bad, after all! 😅


ModuleVersionBreaking changes
Mission Control0.0.9


Here is a list of changes included in this release:



  • Added a new function to attach existing analytics in case none exist.

Mission control

A new endpoint, set_orbiter (restricted to controllers), has been added to Mission Control. This feature verifies whether the potential orbiter passed as a parameter is controlled by the mission control and exposes the function list_satellite_configs, which is specific to an Orbiter. If both criteria are met, the orbiter is added to the mission control.


No changes.


No changes.