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Problems Statement

While Web2 cloud providers like Google Firebase and other Web2 cloud solutions have revolutionized the development landscape, they come with several inherent limitations and challenges.

1. Centralization

Web2 cloud providers are inherently centralized, meaning that all data and services are controlled by a single entity. This centralization poses several problems:

  • Single Point of Failure: Centralized systems are vulnerable to outages or failures. If the cloud provider experiences downtime, all applications and services relying on it are affected.

  • Censorship and Control: Central authorities can impose restrictions, censor content, or control access to data and services, limiting the freedom and autonomy of users and developers.

2. Data Privacy and Security

Web2 cloud providers often handle vast amounts of personal and sensitive data, raising concerns about privacy and security:

  • Data Ownership: Users and developers typically do not have full ownership and control over their data. The cloud provider retains significant control and can access or share data without user consent.

  • Security Risks: Centralized storage of data makes it an attractive target for hackers. Breaches can result in massive data leaks, exposing sensitive information.

3. Limited Transparency

The operations of Web2 cloud providers are often opaque, leading to a lack of transparency in how data is handled and services are managed:

  • Proprietary Systems: Many cloud providers use proprietary technologies and systems, making it difficult for developers to understand and trust the underlying mechanisms.

  • Unclear Policies: Privacy policies and terms of service can be complex and difficult to understand, leading to uncertainty about how data is used and protected.

4. Cost

While Web2 cloud services can be cost-effective initially, they often lead to higher costs over time:

  • Escalating Costs: As applications scale, the costs associated with using cloud services can increase significantly, impacting the sustainability of projects.