Legal Umbrella
To ensure Juno Build operates within a legally sound framework, I am considering two potential jurisdictions for incorporation, which would need to be discussed if the creation of the DAO succeeds.
As a Swiss citizen, I recognize certain advantages in incorporating in Switzerland. Despite occasional concerns with the outcomes of certain votes, unfortunately influenced sometimes by far right-wing parties, I generally have faith in our direct political system. Additionally, the government and economy are generally stable. The implementation of new laws is also often relatively slow, providing time to anticipate regulatory changes. However, integrating in Switzerland may prove complex, costly, and could present certain challenges.
For this reason, I am also considering the Marshall Islands as an alternative. This jurisdiction offers an advanced legal environment specifically tailored to the needs of DAOs. Incorporating in the Marshall Islands would also allow Juno Build to obtain corporate personhood, enabling the execution of business operations, signing of contracts, and other off-chain activities.
This incorporation model would be strategically chosen to mitigate liability risks for projects and their investors. Under this structure, Juno Build DAO would be recognized as a DAO LLC, providing a legal buffer that protects against personal liability. Importantly, this setup would support operational flexibility, recognizing blockchain operations and smart contract governance as legitimate under its laws.
Additionally, the Marshall Islands' legal framework would permit members holding less than a 25% share to maintain anonymity, eliminating the need for KYC procedures for these participants.
In either case, Juno Build will require the necessary legal infrastructure to support its innovative approach to product development while maintaining legal compliance and operational efficiency.